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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Women's Petition Against Coffee 1674.

This Did Happen...

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Coffee causes men to gossip and makes them impotent....well that's what several thousand 'Buxome good women...' declared in 1664 when their men started to frequent coffeehouses instead of maintaining their duties at home.

Coffee had been popularised in England from the 1650s. Previously ale-houses were the common social ground. Yet, this exotic beverage caught the interest of scholars: coffeehouses became part of the public sphere. Men came together to discuss politics; business; the meaning of life...and to get away from women! Although women were allowed in the coffeehouse, no self-respecting women would dare enter.

In a petition against coffee, the women described their suffering. Not only now were their men drunk at night: they were drunk all day! After hefty discussion the women decided that the falling birth rate was attributed to '...nothing more than the Excessive use of that Newfangled, Abominable, Heathenish Liquor called COFFEE...'

Women were outraged that their men no longer made love to them nine times a night and felt that this foreign liquor was decaying the 'true Old English Vigour:' It trifled their time, scalded their chops and took away their money!

As if this wasn't enough, they were concerned that men would overtake women in talkativeness. Stating they were becoming jealous towards the fact that men were taking a quality that was inherently a woman's!

...'they sup muddy water, and murmur insignificant notes till half a dozen of them out-babble an equal number of us at a Gossipping, talking all at once in Confusion, and running from point to point...'

In their response, the men could not believe the women's complaint.  Stating 'Our Island is a Paradise for Women.' They declared that coffee gave them more vigour in the bedroom and coffeehouses were a respite from their insufferable women! Ending their retort with, 'Soloman was right, when he told us that the grave and the Womb were equally Insatiable.'

Thankfully, the petition had no effect...and centuries later, coffee can be enjoyed by everyone: in fabulous coffeehouses like Coffee Fest!

Want to know more?
You can read the full text here:

Women's Petition:

Men's Response:


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